Logo Hotel Eo

982 128 750 - 982 128 751
C/ Amador Fernández 5 27700 Ribadeo
(Lugo - España) Fax 982 128 021
  • Vistas a la ría desde el Hotel EO
    Vistas a la ría desde el Hotel EO
  • Vistas de Ribadeo desde Santa Cruz.
    Vistas de Ribadeo desde Santa Cruz.
  • Puerto Deportivo y Puente de los Santos.
    Puerto Deportivo y Puente de los Santos.

Ribadeo, village and municipality with the same name, is situated in the north-western border of the known as ‘Mariña Lucense’. It is in the coast of Cantrabrico’s sea and also it is in one of the banks of an extended estuary which separates and joins Ribadeo with its neighbour ‘Asturias’ through the Saints Bridge. It can be seen as Galicia’s portico.

The village will surprise to the traveler thanks to its natural and landscaping wealth as well as its wealth of monuments, its large and delicious gastronomy and, above all, due to the cordiality and kindness with which its townspeople welcome tourists.

Ribadeo is surrounded by fine, white sandy beaches such as ‘Los Bloques’, ‘Rocas Blancas’, ‘Os Castros’, ‘Esteiro’, etc. and rocky coves. But among all the beaches, one is the most remarkable because of its beauty and particularity, the known as ‘Aguasantas’ Beach or ‘Beach of the Cathedrals’ whose name comes from the shape of its rocks and cliffs.

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